546th Chapter. Dance for a Better Me.
Sunday, September 18, 2011 // Sunday, September 18, 2011

Okay, sounds weird or whatsoever. But i am posting at this blogggg. I am missing this Url and even though i have already create a new blog very long ago. But still just to say i've moved to
I might end up coming back to use this. So meanwhile, just find me there. cause you will never know whats gonna happen, Hahaha. I will take time to decide which is the one i want. So find me there, i will blogging thereeeeee ^^


16, 28octorber1995.
♥♥ : Dance,Cheerleading,Storybooks, Brothers,Zpl,Ah Mengs
2am,Beast,T-ara,Ft Island, AaronYan,Jokwon,Jiyeon,Junhyung,DongJun.

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